For Test Power
Power sector in India is experiencing phenomenal growth. The Installed generation capacity of about 200,000 MW is planned by the year 2012 and the same is projected to increase to 6, 85,000 MW by the year 2027. This calls for putting in place necessary transmission and distribution infrastructure so that the power can reach to the bulk consumers efficiently. The projected growth in the manufacturing of all electrical equipment is around 20-30% in coming years.
Reliable and quality power to the utilities and ultimately to the end users has been a very challenging task for the generation, transmission and distribution authorities. The power from the generators to the ultimate consumers comes through lot of electrical equipment like Transformers, Circuit breakers, isolators, CTs, PTs, CVTs, Bus ducts, Reactors, GIS and other switching equipment. The reliability and quality of power depends upon the healthiness of these equipment. If any equipment in the chain breaks down, the supply gets affected. Failure of equipment during short circuit has been one of the major impediments in achieving uninterrupted supply. This calls for rigorous testing of all these equipment for their operation under short circuit conditions.
Need for Such Laboratory
At present the existing test facilities available in India can handle short circuit testing of transformers up to 90 MVA. Due to the lack of short circuit testing facilities, the large power transformers specially 100 MVA and above are being sent to overseas testing labs such as KEMA Netherland, CESI Italy etc. This, besides incurring huge cost on transportation and testing the equipment overseas, causes delay in commissioning of projects to the tune of 6-9 months.
On the initiative of Ministry of Power, Govt of India, National High Power Test Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. (NHPTL), a Joint Venture Company of NTPC, NHPC, POWERGRID, DVC and CPRI has been incorporated for the establishment of a fully independent, stand alone, state of the art, professionally managed, international class, On Line High Power Short Circuit Test Facility in India, to provide a full range of short circuit testing for the national power equipment manufacturers, national power utilities and international power equipment manufacturers from SAARC, ASEAN & Middle East Countries in conformance to Indian and International Standards. Bina Substation of POWERGRID has been found as the most suitable site for setting up the lab considering all aspects such as high fault current, availability of 400 kV & 765 kV in-feeds to the Lab, availability of other logistic supports and central location of the station providing easy access through National/State High ways and Railways. Nearest airport is at Bhopal about three hours drive from Bina.
Project Details
The project of NHPTL Test facilities comprises of Two Phases:
This consists of High Voltage Transformer Testing (HVTR) Lab to test the large power transformers of 132kV, 220 kV, 400 kV & 765 kV class and another Medium Voltage Transformer Testing (MVTR Lab) lab to test the transformers of 11kV to 66 kV Class. Phase-I is expected to be commissioned shortly in FY 2016-17.
This consists of High Power Synthetic (HPS) lab for short circuit testing of Switchgears (Circuit Breakers) up to 550kV, 63 kA for Short-Circuits duties with synthetic methods and High Current low Voltage (HCLV) lab for testing high current withstand capability of electrical equipment such as LV Bus Bar, LV Contacts, LV breakers, LV Dis-connectors, LV switchgear, Bushings, CT, up to 400 kA rms with 1100 kA peak.
Benefits OF NHPTL
The time required in testing will be enormously reduced leading to reduction in the delivery time of transformer and thus saving in terms of time & cost of the project.
The testing facility would directly benefit the entire Power Sector i.e. all CPSU’s of Indian Power Sector, Public & Private Power Utilities and distribution companies.
The Indian manufacturers can test and develop their equipment which reduces dependency on foreign laboratories and manufacturers for special equipments thereby saving precious foreign exchange for the country.
The Testing Facility will help in improving the quality and reliability of power equipment and foster growth in domestic research and development in the sector.
Setting up testing facility in India shall provide an opportunity for India to become an Asian hub for testing and certification of Electrical Equipments.
Helps in maintaining the quality and reliability of the power equipment, which in turn provide quality and reliable power supply to the Indian consumers.
Project Financing
Share Participation
12.50% Equity
12.50% Equity
50% Equity
12.50 % Equity
12.50 % Equity
Project Site Location
Sl. No. | Particulars | Description |
1. | Name and address of the grid location, Taluk, District and State | 765/400/220 kV Substation,8th kM Mile stone, Khimlasa Road, Bina, Distt. Sagar, M.P. |
2. | Nearest harbour & Distance | Jawahar Lal Nehru Port, Mumbai, 1000Km. |
3. | Nearest railway station | Bina is a junction on New Delhi – Bhopal Route. It is approx. 10 kM away from substation. |
4. | Connectivity of Bina S/Stn by road | Station is connected by SH-42 to Bina City and this Road is being upgraded to 2 lane toll road. Station is approx. 30 kM away from Jhansi-Nagpur National Highway. |
5. | Nearest airport | Nearest commercial airport is Bhopal which is approx. 180 kM from Bina substation. |
6. | Details of demography near site and how far from the site | Nearest town is Bina, which is a Tehsil place in Sagar Distt. Neartest Villages are Basari, Basera, Gungi and Dhanora (abt 500 mtrs away from the site). Its Population is approx.25000. 20 kM from Bina a refinery of Bharat Petroleum is in progress and likely to be commissioned in 2010. A 1200 MW Thermal power of JP group is also in progress at approx. 15 kM from substation, which is likely to be commissioned by 2011. |
7. | Climatic conditions of the Site such as Minimum and Maximum Temperature, Average Rain fall, Altitude above MSL, etc., | Max. Temp. 45 degree C |
8. | Topographical features of site | Generally plane area |
9. | Nature of soil | Black Cotton |
10. | Environmental Aspect | No Eco sensitive spot in the vicinity of the site |
11. | Water table | Water available through Bore-bell. Approx at 40 mtr. depth |